Back in the 80’s EVERY New Waver throughout Holland knew of the Inpoet in Heerlen.. Not everyone was lucky enough to have visited the Inpoet, but every New Waver knew about it.
For years myself with a handful of Wavers from the Breda area would, on a regular basis make our way to the Inpoet, some of my finest memories were shaped in Heerlen.
On Nov. 16th the Inpoet will be organizing it’s 6th New Wave Reunion.
I myself will not be in Europe, ‘cos if I was I would have definitely made sure I got a ticket. I would have LOVED to meet up with the people and friends again that made the Inpoet without any doubt the BEST New Wave Venue in Holland during the 80’s
For more info mosey along to
I will be there as I am every year, xxx Monique
see you at the next reunion Monique.. P
That would be great. Did you see my request of the pictures? The numbers are 24, 43, 158. The last one is me with carnaval in Heerlen. I really would be very happy with them as I do not have that many pictures from this period. Till we meet again, Monique
Monique I sent you an email..